Is Texting Your Boss Professional?

I found this Wall Street Journal article by Lauren Weber, “Text From the Boss: U R Fired,” interesting on many levels. While I agree that firing via text message is hardly a trend, it does beg the question of how today’s new technologies may contribute to individuals compromising on professionalism. Is texting your boss professional? How about texting a person…

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How Do I Get My Resume to Land At the Top of the Pile? (and to stay out of the trashcan) Tip #3 – Professionalism

Competition is fierce and professionalism is crucial for job-seekers! So how can we make sure that the resume reflects a professional image? Contact information needs to be clear and accurate. One designated phone number is best, and that number must have a professional voicemail (in your own voice), stating your name and asking for the person to leave a message. …

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